Publications and talks


You can find my papers on:  arXiv, NASA ADS, iNSPIRE HEP, or through my ORCiD profile. I will try to make sure the list on this site stays up to date, but these sources will have anything I've missed.

Totals (last update 25/11/2024): 6 research articles, of which 2 are first/corresponding-author (*), and 1 conference proceeding (‡).

Alex Gough and Cora Uhlemann

Published: OJA 7 2024, arXiv: 2405.15852, doi: 10.33232/001c.121413

Cora Uhlemann, Oliver Friedrich, Aoife Boyle, Alex Gough, Francis Bernardeau, Sandrine Codis

Published: OJA 6 2023, arXiv: 2210.07819, doi: 10.21105/astro.2210.07819

Alex Gough and Cora Uhlemann

Published: OJA 5 2022, arXiv: 2206.11918, doi: 10.21105/astro.2206.11918

Alex Gough and Cora Uhlemann

Published: Universe 8(1) 2022, arXiv: 2112.04428, doi: 10.3390/universe8010055

Matteo Cataneo, Cora Uhlemann, Christian Arnold, Alex Gough, Baojiu Li, Catherine Heymans

Published: MNRAS 513(2) 2022, arXiv: 2109.02636, doi: 10.1093/mnras/stac904

S. Azzoni, M. H. Abitbol, D. Alonso, A. Gough, N. Katayama, T. Matsumura

Published: JCAP 05(2021)07, arXiv: 2011.11575, doi: 10.1088/1475-7516/2021/05/047

PhD Thesis

Cosmic Structure Formation in the Non-linear Regime: Beyond Gaussian Statistics and Standard Cosmologies

arXiv: 2411.16500

Presentations and conferences

Below are all the presentations I gave during my PhD. I have included some recordings of talks where they exist.  () indicates an invited contribution.

Totals: 6 seminars/group meetings, 17 conference talks

Seminars and group meetings




Astrophysics seminar

Group meeting

Theoretical physics seminar (joint with Cora Uhlemann)

Astrophysics seminar

Applied mathematics seminar

Conference talks


Parallel talk


Parallel talk

Parallel talk

Parallel talk

Parallel talk


Parallel talk

Joint talk with Cora Uhlemann

Parallel talk

Parallel talk (video)


Parallel talk (video)

Parallel talk

Short talk


Parallel talk

Lightning talk (video)

Parallel talk

Short talk