Publications and talks
You can find my papers on: arXiv, NASA ADS, iNSPIRE HEP, or through my ORCiD profile. I will try to make sure the list on this site stays up to date, but these sources will have anything I've missed.
Totals (last update 25/11/2024): 6 research articles, of which 2 are first/corresponding-author (*), and 1 conference proceeding (‡).
(*)When to interfere with dark matter? The impact of wave dynamics on statistics
Alex Gough and Cora Uhlemann
Published: OJA 7 2024, arXiv: 2405.15852, doi: 10.33232/001c.121413
It takes two to know one: Computing accurate one-point PDF covariances from effective two-point models
Cora Uhlemann, Oliver Friedrich, Aoife Boyle, Alex Gough, Francis Bernardeau, Sandrine Codis
Published: OJA 6 2023, arXiv: 2210.07819, doi: 10.21105/astro.2210.07819
(*) Making (dark matter) waves: Untangling wave interference for multi-streaming dark matter
Alex Gough and Cora Uhlemann
Published: OJA 5 2022, arXiv: 2206.11918, doi: 10.21105/astro.2206.11918
(‡,*) One-point statistics matter in extended cosmologies
Alex Gough and Cora Uhlemann
Published: Universe 8(1) 2022, arXiv: 2112.04428, doi: 10.3390/universe8010055
The matter density PDF for modified gravity and dark energy with Large Deviations Theory
Matteo Cataneo, Cora Uhlemann, Christian Arnold, Alex Gough, Baojiu Li, Catherine Heymans
Published: MNRAS 513(2) 2022, arXiv: 2109.02636, doi: 10.1093/mnras/stac904
A minimal power-spectrum-based moment expansion for CMB B-mode searches
S. Azzoni, M. H. Abitbol, D. Alonso, A. Gough, N. Katayama, T. Matsumura
Published: JCAP 05(2021)07, arXiv: 2011.11575, doi: 10.1088/1475-7516/2021/05/047
PhD Thesis
Cosmic Structure Formation in the Non-linear Regime: Beyond Gaussian Statistics and Standard Cosmologies
arXiv: 2411.16500
Presentations and conferences
Below are all the presentations I gave during my PhD. I have included some recordings of talks where they exist. (†) indicates an invited contribution.
Totals: 6 seminars/group meetings, 17 conference talks
Seminars and group meetings
Kavli Institute for Astrophysics, MIT (5 June)
(†)Ludwig Maximilians Universität (16 Nov)
Astrophysics seminar
Max Planck Institue for Astrophysics (15 Nov)
Group meeting
Maynooth University (11 Nov)
Theoretical physics seminar (joint with Cora Uhlemann)
(†)Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (4 Oct)
Astrophysics seminar
Newcastle University (28 Sep)
Applied mathematics seminar
Conference talks
British Applied Mathematics Colloquium (Newcastle University) (9-11 Apr)
Parallel talk
UK Cosmology meeting (QMUL) (8 Nov)
Parallel talk
IOP joint APP and HEPP annual conference (3-5 Apr)
Parallel talk
2023 PGR conference (23-27 Jan)
Parallel talk
DEX-XIX (10-11 Jan)
Parallel talk
YTF22 (Young Theorist's Forum, 15-16 Dec)
Parallel talk
The Complexity of the Cosmos (5–7 Oct)
Joint talk with Cora Uhlemann
Recent Progress in Axion Theory and Experiment (5–8 Sep)
Parallel talk
Cosmology from Home 2022 (4–15 Jul)
Parallel talk (video)
UK Cosmology meeting (Newcastle) (16-17 May)
BritGrav22 (4-5 Apr)
Parallel talk (video)
DPG Spring Meeting (21–25 Mar)
Parallel talk
DEX-XVIII (6–7 Jan)
Short talk
Alternative Gravities and Fundamental Cosmology (6–10 Sep)
Parallel talk
Cosmology from Home 2021 (5-16 Jul)
Lightning talk (video)
BritGrav21 (12-16 Apr)
Parallel talk
STFC School for New Students in Astronomy (11–15 Jan)
Short talk